
4 ways household managers can take their careers to the next level

Want to grow in your career? Here are 4 ways to take your household management skills to the next level.

By Kristin Twiford

Household managers gain much of their expertise through on-the-job experience. Private service professionals have a can-do mindset, and regularly take on new tasks that help them grow in their careers.  

But beyond what you learn in your day to day, investing in your professional development can help you take your career to the next level and feel prepared for new challenges. As we celebrate the launch of our new learning hub for Modern Household Management Workshops, we’re excited to share 4 ways household managers can grow in their careers. 

1. Build your network 

Connecting with people who share your passion for household management is an easy way to start learning something new every day. And, if you’re facing a new challenge, chances are one of your peers has been in your shoes, and can suggest a solution that’s worked for them, whether you need a new plumber or tips for building out a health insurance plan for your household staff. Join the Easemakers community for private service professionals, check out the Five-Star Service Club, connect with estate managers in your area on LinkedIn, and be on the lookout for live events where you can meet like-minded service hearts, like the annual Estate Management Conference.  

2. Seek out new perspectives 

There’s no single roadmap for managing homes, and as your career progresses, it’s easy to get set in your own way of doing things. But households are constantly evolving, and it’s important to seek out fresh perspectives. Take a course, like our Modern Household Management Workshops or Peter Van Ryder’s Essentials of Household Estate Management course, and tune in to hear interviews with expert estate managers and private service industry partners on the Easemakers Podcast

3. Gain a deep understanding of your support staff 

Digging into the specific areas of household management can help you become a better leader. Learning housekeeping best practices can empower you to set your housekeepers up for success, and gaining a deeper understanding of home systems can help you work effectively with expert electricians. Check out our household management intensive workshops to dive into these key areas. 

4. Take on bigger projects 

Stretching beyond day-to-day household operations gives you the opportunity to shine in your role. Whether you’re building a home on a 200-acre ranch, renovating a historical house, overhauling lighting or installing a green roof, managing projects gives you countless chances to learn something new as you bring a big vision to life. Need a confidence boost as you aspire to take on bigger projects? Check out our Mastering Estate Projects workshop, and don’t hesitate to reach out to experts in your network, like architects, contractors, and other vendors to learn more about what they do. 

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